Patricia Kendall Strawn

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Jerry Shea has left an In Memory comment for Patricia Kendall Strawn.
Jan 19, 2015 at 11:33 AM

I am truely sorry to read this, I don't check it that often but I have a great memory of Patty from 7th grade.

She was always really happy, dramatic, and pretty. In science class the teacher was teaching us a lesson on blood pressure and we had to turn around and be partners w/ the person behind us. She sat in front of me and turned around laughing and looking a little unsure about beiing my partner. I, on the other hand, couldn't breathe b/c everyone was in love w/ her and she was way outta my league. So we had to hold hands and put pressure on the wrist area to count the beats. I was so excited I couldn't count them and I had trouble just talking. I think she was the first girl I ever held hands with and she knew I was flustered. She never lelt me forgeet that and we remained great friends throughout high school. . 
